Sunday, December 13, 2009

Seasons Greetings! Also .. I'm not dead!

Ok first I want to explain that I have four children all five and under. So I have been extraordinarily busy for the holidays ... hell just shoping for that many kids is an adventure ... let alone all the activities that we have had going. I've had more time this year to do that sort of thing than I ever had with them and I'm taking advantage of it. So that is my excuse as to why I've not been very active posting here. My own projects have gone on the back burner and making the holidays magical for the kids has become all consuming. After the holidays I get to go back to being my grumpy old gamer self :D  Until then ... may from the bottom of my heart (and that's a long way down) I wish you all a splendid, wonderful, truly fulfilling holiday season ... perhaps I'll post before the end of the year but if not ... see ya'll in 2010.

I plan to fullfill my Ork promise I'll get picks up of where I am at and picks of what I have lined up for phase II. Also I plan to do some more board game reviews of some of the games I've picked up.

One last thing to give folks a heads up on is that Fantasy Flight Games is releasing a HORUS HERESY GAME ... WOOT!! Also they had a sale on 2nd edition Warhammer Fantasy Roleplay books (five bucks each vs their old 30 and 40 buck prices) and I bought a bunch ... but now the prices are back up so I don't know what is going on anyway you still might want to check it out.

Peace on earth and good will towards man!!

Friday, December 4, 2009

Another GW oriented FFG offering and quick updates

I know this system has been out for awhile however I thought I'd post about it because recently I was half tempted to start up Magic again ... but fortunately stumbled upon perhaps a less potentially destructive alternative over at Fantasy Flight Games.

I plan to pick up the core set and the first expansion. The way FFG has it laid out ... you could use it as a board game essentially ... so unlike Magic which is hard as hell to get your old cards out and use with other people ... years after that set has grown obsolete. This game looks like even if it doesn't become collectible for someone (and I hope it doesn't for me honestly) its a nice "board game" style purchase that can go on the shelf and be used years later. So I'm all in on this one instead of jumping back on the tired old magic bandwagon.

Quick updates on a few other projects:

Warhammer Online ... du duuu duuuuuuuhnnnnnn ... I'm done. It was somewhat fun but I just couldn't stay focused on the game itself due to extremely low player populations, poor community for new players and a really rather glitchy, half-done looking game. I wanted to love it, I wanted to be able to tell everyone its better than World of Warcraft ... but alas I can not. So I bid a fond farewell to Warhammer Online and likely forever (unless they did some amazing revamp of the game with a huge expansion).

ORKS!!  I AM DONE DONE DONE!! With Phase I ... just lazy about getting pics up (sorry). Actually I've been having trouble with my camera and might need to replace it. Hopefully I can get some completed phase one pics up by next week and some shots of my phase II stuff.

Thursday, November 26, 2009


HAPPY TURKEY DAY!! I'm stuffed ... yet I hear a round 2 ... 3 ... perhaps even 4 calling me. Then there is the inevitable smorgasbord o' delectable Thanksgiving leftovers ... ahhh. I feel the childhood memory of Charlotte's Web ... Templeton at the fair.

THANKSGIVING IS a veritable smorgasbord orgasbord orgasbord After the crowds have ceased Each night when the lights go out It can be found in the fridge and all around Oh, what an excessive feast!!!! Happy Thanksgiving Everyone!!!!

Friday, November 20, 2009

2010 the year of Games Workshop Ultra Competition

Ok ... I'm sure many of you have seen the announcement on the GW page (link).  No Gamesdays ... no real GTs ... just a bunch of random events leading to a special GW run event. Perhaps I'll be proven wrong but at this point I'd wager that the people at that end event all hail from some group or club that are running the "Indy GTs" ... the Adepticon groups, BOLS groups, etc.

I have to say that in some ways this sounds exciting and enticing ... but once I hold myself in check by reminding myself that I'll never move in these circles. I am not part of an inner circle GW group nor do I have a relative who is a GW employee. We all know the way things work at the higher levels of GW competitive events in North America  ... its not just a matter of how much you spent on your Blue Table Pro Painted army but who your buds with.  So one of those GW "insiders" will be the ones dining with Mr. Johnson.

From the GW perspective I see this move as something nice to put in White Dwarf to excite the 15 year old fanboys and give the stores something to try to sell new customers on. The reality is a more inclusive system that gives the average joe gamer something for spending their hard earned dollars on this hobby ... would be much better.

I recall the days that the GTs were simply about braging rights and a plaque. You'd get your army and your mug in White Dwarf and that was it. Attending the GT was a chance to see amazingly themed armies from the hardcore to the hilarious. It was a chance to get BITZ BY THE OUNCE (SIGH!!!) ... it was a chance to play a cool mix of players and a damn good excuse for a road trip. Sadly those days are gone and now the competitive side of GW feels more like Magic the Gathering ... with endless net min max lists of doom and a sea of "professionally" painted armies. So the 15 year old kid and old duffers like me ... really have no place in the GW tourney circuit anymore. I see this announcement by GW as yet another nail in the coffin of the GW tourney scene that used to be. GW has opted to farm out all of the tournaments to random local clubs, some well run ... some very greedily run. I've heard many stories of the obscene amount of terrain and prize support GW is giving to some of the "Indy GT" organizers and I've heard how much of it ends up in some of their own collections. Those resources apparently GW doesn't care about ... yet they could be used helping new players and giving more people an opportunity to experience well run tournaments. GW used to take the attitude that there were certain standards for events involving their product. They would run some marquee events regionally to give people reasonable access to some cool very well run tournaments and mini-con type events.  Now it seems like they are simply looking to cut costs and quell the anger of internet vocal power gamers.

Perhaps I'm being too harsh ... but for anyone outside of those big "important" clubs and those "inner circles" of GW chosen ... this move really is disappointing as going more "exclusive" GW is doing just that ... excluding their fans. Great for the inner circle GW guys in the big "important" groups... very very disappointing for us average Joe gamers. 

Thursday, November 19, 2009

Update on the Orks and Tanksgiving!!

Well to give a quick update on the Orks, I just finished dipping 10 Nobs and 30 Boyz ... bringing the post dip total up to 170 Orks! I'll matte coat those tomorrow and try to get the last 30 and Ghaz done up this weekend. So hopefully I have pics of the completion of phase one of the project early next week. I'll try to post some picks of the new squads tomorrow or Saturday as well.

As for my trials and tribulations with Warhammer Online ... I am still very casually playing. I have been playing maybe 3 or so hours a week. My Ork Choppa is nearly lvl 20 and I'm excited to see how the game plays once you have a mount. Overall I'm still having fun but I've experienced the game enough to see why millions of WoW players didn't make the switch. The world is really amazing the game itself has some really cool MMO innovations, I like how PVP is a fun part of the entire game, but the PVE options in the game (Instances) are really lacking. Many of the cool features that were awesome when the game first launched (and had reasonable player population) are now almost useless, things like Public Quests. The concept is awesome, you can be playing solo ... out rumbling around a zone and enter a public quest area and A) grind up influence so you can get some cool rewards B) earn experience C) Have a shot at a drop from the boss at the end of the quest. Its really an awesome idea, however ... when there are ZERO players in the zone your in ... public quests designed for 10 players are not an option. So what people end up doing is just grinding up the influence for the reward and to work towards achievements I assume. Its fine ... but I'm missing alot of the content due to low player population. At this point I've agreed to simply stay playing until I hit 20 or my card runs out and then decide if I want to keep going. As a GW fanboy I'd like to say I finished the game ... but honestly I don't know if I want to spend the time doing so. We'll see.

Last and not least I'm in the process of setting up the agenda for family board game day ... otherwise known as Thanksgiving ... or Tanksgiving (if your a GW fan ... waka waka). This year I am leaning towards a game called Shadows over Camelot (if you haven't played it ... either buy it and get a group together or find someone who owns it ... its a blast) ... I own the expansion for it but I think I'm going to leave that out as I haven't played it yet and I hear its brutal.  I'm going to have Space Hulk set up as well and I'm going to run my nieces through a few games of it. If we have time I think I might try to get people to do a game of Arkham Horror as well ... that is a bit more iffy.

Thursday, November 12, 2009

Orks Phase II continued ...

Some pictures of the next two squads of Orks. I am in the homestretch now ... just three squads to paint along with ole Ghaz and bada bing ... I'm done with my paint challenge. The following pics are a hodgepodge of the last squads I got done in the pre-dip and post-dip stage.

This is a shot of them after the dip and during the matte varnish. The rest are pre-dip and pre-touch up shots. What I'm going to try to do is get the remaining 70 orks done by the end of the weekend ... and then I will really try to get some good shots with a recap of why I did them how I did, how I did it, etc.

Gamesday 2010 GW Annoucement Rant!

Ok ... this rumor has been bouncing around for some time and I think as long ago as June I'd heard people talking about this. Tonight I was surfing the GW site and happened upon this announcement. The decision to host only one Gamesday by Games Workshop. For those GW fans who live on the Eastern seaboard in the US ... no one would really care ... how does this impact you right? It doesn't really. But for everyone else in the US especially those of us on the West Coast .... all I have to say is what the hell? GW axed the 2009 Gamesday events for those of us out west ... but now they are doing it in 2010 too? This is utter and absolute BULLSHIT! As a hardcore GW fan I'm very unhappy about this. I attended every single LA Gamesday and GT that GW offered. I lived in Las Vegas during the Las Vegas GTs however I have to honestly say I didn't attend one ... it just didn't seem worth it to pay that much to pay ... and by then the nature of the GTs had changed dramatically since the early 2000s GTs. Too many Adepticon organizer types showing up en mass with Tour De France type tactics ... just too much hardcore competition from guys who don't even paint their own armies for my taste ... anyway I digress. I really am saddened by GWs continued pullback on their product support. White Dwarf thoroughly sucks these days ... no Gamesdays, no GW GTs only random "indie events" largely put on by greedy game clubs siphoning off the obscene amount of prize support GW is sending their way into their own private hobby collections. The old outrider, GW run GT and RTT systems were really much better for the hobby in my opinion. All this "do it yourself" GW support is rather lame. I only wish we had the UK level of support from GW here in the US.

Monday, November 9, 2009

Phase II of the Ork Project

Well I got quite a bit done over the weekend. I finished painting a squad of choppa slugga boyz another warboss and 2 trucks. I'll get some pics of the boyz up later but for right now here are the trucks. To go over the technique ... I used just a random can of metalic spraypaint over a black prime, I did some slight detail painting, blocked the fields red, did touch ups and did a wash as heavy as a full submersion with minwax ebony. I wiped off really bad pooling but pretty much left it as it looked. Again remember my two goals with this project are: painting speed and ease, and a dirty, grimy, gritty look that I feel orks would have. They aren't electric neon clown color orks of yore. Nothing wrong with that by the way ... I actually might go for an old school look when I do my WHFB orks next year .... I am just going for a certain look here (again with speed and ease in mind). As for vehicles in this project at the end of the project I'd like to have 5 trucks, 2 battlewagons and 20 bikes along with 10 copters or so. That way I can field a speed freaks/mechanized ork list or a big foot heavy list (or both for a big game). But the mecha part of this project is actually part II as I won't likely get to that until December.  So here are pics of the trucks ... please bare in mind my camera work sucks (as does my camera) ... and again I think it might be the dip, matte varnish method ... it just doesn't come out well in pictures ... both the orks and the trucks look better in person in terms of depth and detail.

Saturday, November 7, 2009

Warhammer Fantasy Roleplay

Ok I wanted to share some thoughts on the move by Fantasy Flight Games to completely redo the Warhammer Fantasy Roleplay system.  Here is a cool video on third edition BTW ... undeniably cool stuff. Its old news they announced that back on August 9th so that isn't the nature of this post as for the actual release of 3E I don't know ... haven't heard and would speculate sometime next year. I'm just lining up things I want to do this coming year and DMing a WHFB game is on the table for me ... I really want to do it. If I can pull that off I'm going to try a Dark Heresy game as well. But thinking about that got me thinking about why I'm so sad to see such a good game get ground into hamburger at the feet of the almighty alter of the dollar.  While I always applaud new GW related products ... and I generally am a FFG fan. I hate collectible gaming and FFG has pushed board games and Non-CCG games in that direction more and more. Actually look at this product and you'll see it ... what 3E is going to be is a boardgame-RPG hybrid ... where you can't play the game with regular dice ... you need to drop the 100 bucks (or how much ever for a player pack or whatever) just to play the game. No buying the books and OWNING the entertainment ... nope ... FFG doesn't like that ... they want you to have to come to them and give them money more often than just at the initial buy in.
My theory is that FFG picked up the GW boardgame license in February of 2008 WHFB was already rolling pretty heavy the core rules already released as of March of 2005, the big surge of purchasing into the system already gone by. Dark Heresy had only just released. So FFG has made alot more money on the Dark Heresy stuff and probably not so much on the WHFB stuff. Not to metion I wouldn't be surprised to hear that Dark Heresy outsells WHFB two to one as there are soooo many other fantasy roleplay systems and D&D is the granddaddy of em all ... so competition for gamer dollars is more stiff on the fantasy side. So there is my conspiracy theory ... I see this move to revamp a system that is amazingly good ... doesn't need an update, etc. as just that. A way to boost sales as they have this under a licensing agreement that I'm sure will expire sometime over the next five or so years ... so I bet they want to grind every nickle out of their license. GW is probably even pushing them to do so.

Unfortunately RPGs are now competing with World of Warcraft and that is undeniably where 4E went and I think WHFB will be going the same direction. Will I buy into the new system ... probably ... but only after I acquire a complete collection of the current WHFB stuff and that will be my WHFB Advanced game forever ... its a beautiful system that is really enjoyable to play and I will be sad to see it go. I really do hope though that new people are brought to GW products and to RPGs because of the new FFG system.

Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Warhammer Online Continued ...

Ok I thought I'd just do a post in response to comments from the last post. I really am right there with you guys in terms of fearing having it get out of hand. World of Warcraft honestly got pretty bad ... it took over as the only hobby in my life for quite some time. I really have no desire to ever let a video game get like that again. I sincerely love mini games and other types of games. WoW really makes me angry as it has co-opted a huge segment of gamers ... I'm sure ya'll know people who practically live their lives around that damn game. It makes me sad that so many people are totally ok with settling for a really mediocre game and forsake all other gaming whether playing other games like WAR or playing real games like 40K, board games, RPGs, etc. I honestly feel like WoW has taken a negative toll on gaming maybe more than any other single phenomena over the past six years ... save only the recession.

My goal is to try to do what BJ has been doing ... just play for an hour or so a night ... if even. Maybe a couple hours at a time here and there on the weekend. One positive aspect of MMOs ... again like BJ mentioned ... is that the wife will actually play those with me. She will not touch a mini game (though I did get her to play Space Hulk with me .. woot!!) and will sometimes do a board game but no RPGs either. So any gaming I can do with her is cool and that was actually one of the few positive aspects of WoW ... we did play together and have some common fun with it.

Anyway I've got the toon leveled up to 10 ... looking forward to a boar mount at lvl 20. One cool thing about the Orks is the grow as they lvl up ... so the higher lvl Orks are perceptibly larger than the lower lvl ones. Pretty cool if you ask me. Anyway I'll try to chronicle my trials and tribulations with the game over the next few months.

Monday, November 2, 2009

Warhammer Online

OK ... OK ... OK ...

Let me preface this by stating for those friends of mine out there who feel I should avoid MMOs like the plague ... I'm sorry ... I have to do this. When Warhammer Online first released I got the limited edition version of it (kick ass WHFB Warboss model in there btw ... along with some cool hardbound art books). I played for a few weeks and went back to World of Warcraft (which I thankfully stopped playing last May ... for good) as few friends wanted to play WaR with me. So it was shelved and I'd forgotten about it ... the other day my wife expressed interest in playing a MMO over the winter ... and bada bing ... WaR returns! I am a GW fanboy through and through ... dyed in the wool ... a G tattooed on one butt cheek and a W on the other (kidding kidding ... but hey that's a good idea ... hmmm ... then when GW raises their prices again they know where to stick it eh ... LOL). Anyway you get the picture I'm a hardcore fanboy. So I need to lvl up one character to 40 and see at least the main content of the game. Its going to be a cold long winter and I'll have more time aside from my many gaming projects to get into an MMO in a casual way. My plan is to play through January/February-ish and then let the account lapse. I didn't re-fire up WoW ... or plunge into Champions ... I'm doing this as a GW fan who wants to experience the virtual world Mythic and EA created based on the WHFB universe ... plain and simple. I might do the occasional post here on my experience. Leme know if any of ya'll are playing on the Badlands server on the disorder side.  My main chr is named Eadbuzta ... he is an Ork Choppa.

Sunday, November 1, 2009

Update on the Orks!

Ok phase one is done ... the pics aren't horrible ... but the Orks actually do look better than the pictures are turning out. I think the flash gives them an odd look. Anyway ... part one of a 3 part project done. In addition keep in mind I do need to still do some minor touch ups. 

1 AOBR Warboss
3 - 30 Shoota Boy strong squads, with a Nob with powerclaw and 3 big shootas. The paint scheme is basically the same, and each unit has a different uniform color. I went with a mustard color, a redish, and black. The colors somewhat approximate clan colors ... however I wasn't going for Evil Suns, Bad Moons, etc. something somewhat generic with each squad different to make combats smooth on the tabletop. 

Very simple paint scheme. I used the minwax dip method for two reasons. First and foremost to get my painting done on a big project somewhat quickly. Secondly I wanted a gritty, dirty look. I have never envisioned orks as the rainbow bright 2nd edition orks. I don't like clean, super bright orks ... its kinda lame IMO. I like gritty, oily, grimy orks ... as they would be per the fluff. They are constantly looting things, digging around on the battlefield looking for something worth taking. When in battle they love to be up close and ripping their enemies appart in hand to hand. Those things tend to dirty one's uniform :) Thus my iteration of what orks should look like. Again .. not Golden Demon quality ... but I'm pleased with the results. Considering when I'm done I should have somewhere around 250 infantry models ... I really needed something easy to repeat that wasn't insanely time consuming. I do have to finish up the bases ... but I'm waiting on some dead grass flock ... and I'm going to be doing a display board ... so I was going to wait until that is done to give the bases their final drybrush and static grass flock (so it matches the board exactly).

Friday, October 30, 2009

What has been occupying my time this week ...

Well I thought I'd wish everyone a happy Halloween ... or all Hallows Eve ... depending on your preference.  Four kids under the age of six means this is a very big time of year and Thus I've been somewhat busy this week. First ... and my apologies for not having more pics ... but here it is ... the 2009 Haunted House ... spoooooky (well to a 4 year old anyway).  Materials used were Popsicle sticks and old cereal boxes.

Needs a little work yet but it was a somewhat quick project and the kids got a kick out of it ... all I was going for. But it did give me a cool idea for a medieval demonic-plague village terrain project.  Last but certainly not least here are the 2009 Official Pumpkins of Excess ... I'm no expert on the carving arts but for an amateur I'm pleased with my results ...


Sunday, October 25, 2009

Why GW ... WHY??

Ok first ... in the next day or two I'll have pics of the Ork Horde progress. This is just some random thoughts based on some chatter out there on the net pertaining to GW not producing wolf Calvary models and other models in the past ... when a codex is released with such models in them. One good example was the Chaos Defiler after the 3rd edition revamp of the Chaos codex was released. I always wonder why GW is so slow to market with products for a new codex. I understand periodic "new releases" can help maintain interest and insure that GW gets maximum cash from existing customers. I guess the rational for doing  phased releases must be that GW feels that releasing a huge amount of stuff for a new codex people are likely to not buy it and never get around to going back and picking it up. I think GW really under merchandises their product line and when they release a codex they should release it all. I'm still shocked that they let other companies take a bite at their apple by not having everything ready. I also am always shocked that they don't merchandise in the US like they do in Europe (well at least the UK). T-Shirts alone ... if they put up T-Shirts with various 40K/WHFB motifs on their website (and had them in plus gamer size) they would not only be gaining free advertising ... they'd be picking up probably tens of thousands of dollars a month in revenue. I bet they'd earn a million plus annually just off of reasonably priced merchandise in the US market again stuff like T-Shirts, Sweatshirts, Polos, Calendars, Coffee Mugs, etc. etc. It would be low to no cost for them to provide that ... give their fans yet one more avenue to spend money on GW stuff ... but that is GW for you. They seem to think that letting other companies take those revenues is alright ... I'm glad I'm not a shareholder or I'd be ticked off I think .. lol.

Thursday, October 22, 2009

What happened to PEWTER FOREVER???

Privateer Press doing the unthinkable ... I know this isn't really breaking news or anything but PP looks to be moving to plastic. I am quite certain once they take the plunge it won't be long before a good portion (if not all) of their line goes that way. I personally have been long since converted to a plastic mini fan (pun intended). Once you get paint on the models they look no different than a pewter model. Yes indeed I do have a slight sadness in my heart when I pick up a model and it doesn't have that old time pewter heft to it ... but I like to do conversions ... and plastic is sooooo much easier to do conversions with. You don't have to worry as much about pinning heavy limbs, etc. with plastic. With pewter while it does have some nice benefits like stripping paint off of old models for example ... and just overall durability ... I feel that the benefits of plastic outweigh the detriments. So I'm glad that PP is backtracking on that statement they made long ago about "NEVER" going to plastic.

Now if only they could clean up the rules of the game and I've seen Mark II and I'm not satisfied ... after the preliminary read of the rules I'd say its just a cleanup of Mark I ... nothing huge. I love the Iron Kingdoms universe, I like the vast majority of the models in the range ... and I like Warmachine for a fun casual game against a friend but I utterly hate the game for competitive play and Mark II won't change that. I can only hope for a major revamp in Mark III. Until then ... still a fan ... Warmachine will remain my friendly game for cold winter afternoons ... while 40K shall remain my first and only choice for a fun game, a scenario game and a game that I might actually play in a tournament.

Tuesday, October 20, 2009


Ya ... ya ... I know everyone and their brother has done a review of the game. I'm not going to do anything extensive as I just finally busted out the game though I pre-ordered it from Games Workshop directly and basically recieved it the day of release in early September, the cost then was 100 bucks, now the game is going for around 150 bucks on ebay and from any retailers who still have them in stock. 

Alright the first thing is yes indeed the minis are awesome, the heavy cardstock pieces and tiles are nice and seem made to last.  Overall the game is a vast improvement in terms of quality of board and pieces. The rule book and mission book are well laid out and there is some cool flavor for the true fanboys out there.

Personally I'm actually using my own terminators and genestealers and preserving the minis that came with the game for other projects as I have future plans to paint up the genestelers for the game very nicely and I want to use the blood angel termies for my blood angels army next spring (when the new codex is out) so I'll most likely replace those with some old school termies I have. For now my Deathwing termies shall suffice.

For those of you who are familiar with the previous versions of the game it plays pretty much like they did. The genestealers are ultra deadly and the space marines only hope really is to gun them down before they get in close combat (save perhaps the sergeant and lightning claw equipped squad member). So essentially with most missions the basic strategy is to move as fast as you can towards your objective taking care to preserve nice firing lanes.  The game really provides some excitement and suspense, it seems like all the missions will likely go down the the wire and the genestealers player really has a heavy advantage. The marine player needs to really have a good plan and some luck on their side to succeed. Overall I'd say the game has a decent degree of replayability. Hopefully we'll see an expansion or two (perhaps from a third party like Fantasy Flight)

The first mission is called "Suicide Mission" and it lives up to its name, overall there are 12 missions with one or two available for download at the GW site (and many new fan generated missions available online from various sources as well).  I'll go through the mission with some pictures and quick comments. If you have the game and haven't played it ... get it out and play ... its awesome and you know you want to! If you haven't picked it up yet ... I honestly would pay 150 bucks for this game ... but I'm a hardcore GW fanboy. I don't know if it would be worth that price to a casual fan of GW or just a board game fan who doesn't play GW games, its really fun but there are other games like Decent on the market that might provide just as much fun for a non-GW person and 150 bucks will get you well started into that system. Anyway here is my experience with the first game (against my wife Jessica who usually schools me at whatever game we are playing).

Ok here is a shot of the initial setup of the board. The object of the mission is to get the marine equipped with the heavy flamer into the control room (upper right hand corner of the board). The marine player starts out on the left hand side of the board (where you see the Imperial Aquilas).

Ok here is the action after the genestealers start popping out. I lost a marine right off the bat! Genestealers are BRUTAL in close combat (as they should be).  RUN MARINES RUN! 

As you can see this mission is "operation don't let the heavy flamer marine die!"

Sarge is down! Sarge is down!! Its looking bleak for the marines! The genestealers just keep coming, at 2 blips per turn and 6 move actions per blip the genestealer has the upper hand for sure!

At this point its all about the storm bolters and sustained fire. Can the marines shoot them down fast enough?

The heavy flamer terminator breaks for the control room and his last surviving battle brother makes a valiant last stand to buy him some time.

The valiant last stand diversion works ... and the marines barely win.  It came down to some very lucky blips (only 1 genestealer per blip) towards the end and some amazing shooting by the lone storm bolter wielding terminator.  The heavy flamer was used a few times as well. But the control room was incinerated and two battle brothers survived. Had the genestealer player had average luck with the blips and had I rolled non-phenomenally the marines would have had little chance of pulling this one out.

The final carnage ... the marines died valiantly and took hordes of genestealers with them!  Awesome time ... super fun ... and the genestealers will undoubtedly be back with vengeance for the remaining 11 missions :)  Break your copy out if you haven't tried it yet ... and if you don't own it ... find it ... buy it ... play it!! (and if you want to sell me your minis for say 50 bucks ... leme know ... I'm interested :) ).

Saturday, October 17, 2009

Nazi Zombies and Werewolves ... being whipped by hot Aryan chicks and shot at by Power Armor clad GIs!! HOLY SMOKES!

This game has been floating around out there around the edges of my attention for awhile ... I really hope these guys find a way to get their game out in a big way. I would so very love to play in a setting like this. Stuff like AT-43 is junk ... cool minis ... really lame background.  This is awesome, its dark, its that cool Wolfenstein-esq, Gear Krieg ... type feel to it. They have hot Nazi chicks ... they have zombies ... power armor clad US GIs ... werewolves ... mad scientists ... mechs ... what the hell is not to like??

Anyway check it out and keep your fingers crossed.

Thursday, October 15, 2009

Fearing and loathing your favorite games ... WHY ... WHY!!

Is it just me or are there endless numbers of people out there who are majorly into self punishment via the games they choose to play? For example look at any of the bigger Games Workshop fan sites and blogs ... look at any post that has something to do with the dreaded "codex creep" or anything about a new codex, etc. Look at the comments. You'll see raging anger at the game people endlessly upset about this or that. Why do people choose to play a game that causes so much rage. I'm not talking about the times when you get your butt handed to you by someone and get temporarily mad at yourself. We all do that no matter how laid back one is or how easy going about winning or losing ... on occasion we all get a little upset at the games we love. I'm talking about the seeming legions of players who have nothing good to say about GW ... spewing vitriolic hate (like if you get me talking about big corporations or Republicans or something ... seriously that bad) at GW. These people are still playing ... WHY??? WHY would someone subject themselves to that kind of torture?

Its really sad and I wish I could start a global foundation to rehabilitate the fallen 40K and WHFB fans who continue to play despite unending hatred and uncontrollable bouts of ranting about how many pie plates the new guard codex allows. I would rehabilitate them by forcing them to pick flowers in the park, take long walks along a peaceful river while discussing how shitty episode one is. Ah if only ... but that won't happen so all of these people are out there seething about games ... you know this is a good time for me to challenge anyone who is still reading to go visit this link and maybe even this link (check page 31).

Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Update on the Orks!

Ok here is a quick update ... I'll throw some more pictures up as I get them.  Essentially this project consists of several orphan ork remnants from various ebay purchases, con grab bags, gamer flea market type deals over the years. Some were partially painted, some were in need of repair and de-glue gooping, etc. combine that mix with 4 AOBR boxes worth of orks and that is basically my army. The plan is to do this army on the super cheap, make use of models that have been gathering dust on my shelf for years and give me a fun little table top standard army to go have fun with. having Relocated to a new area recently I wanted to get myself a bit motivated with a new army to coincide with finding an entirely new miniature gaming group.

My plan is to start out with as much foot troop for the army as possible ... 6 maxed out boyz squads ... 3 slugga choppa and 3 shootas. I'm doing up Ghazghkull Thraka, and three of the AOBR warbosses ... I'm going with 2 ten strong nob squads to start ... doing up a 4 nob bike squad and a warboss on a bike.  I have many other projects that I probably should get to in terms of painting minis ... but if I get out there and start playing the orks and have fun ... I have many further units I can add ... just waiting in the can so to speak. I have a huge amount of tankbusta boy bitz ... 40 old metal nobs which would partially be used as nobs and partially as Flashgitz probably. I have 15 of the new AOBR deathkoptas, and many many toys/boxes of busted GW vehichles/etc. that can be converted into battlewagons, trucks, etc. etc. I also plan to do at least 2 stompas, an orky baneblade converstion and I really do aspire to a scratch built Gargant. I really don't see myself getting all that done right away ... but ... I'm hoping by this time next year I've crossed alot of those extra items off the list as being complete.

Anyway the boyz are verging on half way done. I have the skin tone down for now ... most of their metal bitz are painted up. Now I'm on to the leather bitz, pants (which I think I'm going to do up in a different color for each different squad), and bases ... which will end up lighter brown .. desert-ish color. I want to do a desert display board/terrain centerpiece for them. Sort of a la the old GW Nottingham orky terrain.