Monday, November 2, 2009

Warhammer Online

OK ... OK ... OK ...

Let me preface this by stating for those friends of mine out there who feel I should avoid MMOs like the plague ... I'm sorry ... I have to do this. When Warhammer Online first released I got the limited edition version of it (kick ass WHFB Warboss model in there btw ... along with some cool hardbound art books). I played for a few weeks and went back to World of Warcraft (which I thankfully stopped playing last May ... for good) as few friends wanted to play WaR with me. So it was shelved and I'd forgotten about it ... the other day my wife expressed interest in playing a MMO over the winter ... and bada bing ... WaR returns! I am a GW fanboy through and through ... dyed in the wool ... a G tattooed on one butt cheek and a W on the other (kidding kidding ... but hey that's a good idea ... hmmm ... then when GW raises their prices again they know where to stick it eh ... LOL). Anyway you get the picture I'm a hardcore fanboy. So I need to lvl up one character to 40 and see at least the main content of the game. Its going to be a cold long winter and I'll have more time aside from my many gaming projects to get into an MMO in a casual way. My plan is to play through January/February-ish and then let the account lapse. I didn't re-fire up WoW ... or plunge into Champions ... I'm doing this as a GW fan who wants to experience the virtual world Mythic and EA created based on the WHFB universe ... plain and simple. I might do the occasional post here on my experience. Leme know if any of ya'll are playing on the Badlands server on the disorder side.  My main chr is named Eadbuzta ... he is an Ork Choppa.


Tigerstyle said...

I've been tempted by it but I know if I ever went back into MMO's the rest of my life and hobbies will suffer (like they did last time).

Meatball said...

I have played WAR since launch and still enjoy the game. My wife plays as well. Luckily I limit myself to an hour or so at night so as to not interfere with my painting etc.

Pacific said...

I think you are lucky if you can limit yourself in that fashion!

Unfortunately I can't and so I have to ignore games like this like the plague, lest they take over my life - which is a great shame, as it looks awesome!